Andros Island

Welcome To Andros Island, Bahamas ย ย 

On Andros Island our beaches are empty, there is almost no tourism, and the Andros Barrier Reef, the third largest in the world and the second largest in the western hemisphere, stretches 140 miles along the east coast of the island and rims the Tongue of the Ocean, with its 6,000-foot drop-off. Additionally Andros abounds in Blue Holes (underwater cave systems)–which have been the scene of some of the deepest underwater cave explorations in the world.ย  The bone fishing on Fresh Creek is spectacular. The most select anglers from around the globe come to Andros to match wits with these challenging game fish.ย  A variety of other game fish can be found around the island including permit, tarpon, barracuda, snappers, jacks, grouper, dolphin, wahoo, marlin and sharks.

Yet these reefs, beaches and waterways are truly among those few remaining “undiscovered” places.ย  The island waterways of Andros, especially Fresh Creek, offer a spectacular opportunity for dinghy exploration and fishing. Just head upstream, you will find something along the way toย  pique your interest.ย  Andros Island’s 2300 square miles may well contain the largest tracts of unexplored land in the Western hemisphere.


Andros is the only island in the Bahamas where fresh water is abundant. There are several fresh water ponds and creeks stemming from springs in the interior of the island. Over 7 million gallons of fresh Andros water is shipped to Nassau daily.

If you don’t like crowds or noisy cities, if you don’t demand modern entertainment, sophisticated living or fancy dining, and if you love to view a nighttime sky unpolluted by city lights, then you Fresh Creek, Andros Island, The Bahamas is for you!


Andros Island: Its Waiting For You.
See it before its “discovered”